I've been riding Onewheel since 2017, and have over 3k miles on XR, Pint, GT… I'm also tall and heavy so all of these previous wheels I've been cautious on hills etc.. I'm really happy with the Onewheel GT S-Series – it's so powerful, feels stable at any speed - has so much power in reserve that hills, terrain anything is no problem for it. It is noticeably lighter and more agile than the GT. I'm really liking the tyre as well. So far I've got 11.5 miles out of a charge on a cold day, actually nearer 12.5 miles after cruising downhill after the out of juice alert - but that was with the trick of turning it off and on again. The best I could say about it is that it has the agility and fun of the XR but with so much power that you just zip about like you are teleporting. It's THE best Onewheel by far. Love it.